Tuesday, September 7, 2010

(Don't) Fear the Turtle - Enroll in UMCP's MTAP Program

The Maryland Transfer Advantage Program (MTAP) guarantees transfer admission to Montgomery College students who complete 30 or more credits including EN 102/109 and MA 110 or higher and who have a 3.0 grade point average (for all majors except those with more competitive requirements, aka Limited Enrollment Programs (LEP's). See the list of UMCP Majors here (with LEP's on the right).

In addition to guaranteed admission, MTAP students are invited to participate in advising information sessions for all majors while enrolled at MC, and they have opportunities to take courses at UM at a reduced price while enrolled as students at MC.

MTAP is FREE - for further details regarding the requirements & benefits of this program, go to the

NOTE that on the MTAP Application Form, you need to complete Item 16 - "Why I want to participate in the MTAP Program" (this statement can be brief, but it must be completed!). Turn in your MTAP Form to any MC Admissions Office - Montgomery College will then attach your transcript to the MTAP Form - you do not need to request a copy of your transcript.

For more information on transferring to UMCP, you can also watch "So You Want to Be a Terp?"

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