When Maryland Students Want to Major in Ocean Engineering, Commercial Music, or Fabric Design......they look into the Academic Common Market!
Study in a specialized field at an out-of-state college, while paying in-state tuition rates. Residents of 15 states may participate in the Southern Regional Education Board's Academic Common Market, an agreement that enables students to pursue unique majors offered at public institutions in the other SREB states while paying in-state tuition.
Savings to both states and students are significant. The state saves because the Common Market provides costly, specialized programs that otherwise would have to be duplicated. If the public institutions in Maryland do not offer degree programs in a student's field of study, it may be possible to arrange a waiver of out-of-state tuition to attend a cooperating public institution of higher education in another participating state.
Through a pilot arrangement with the Electronic Campus of the Southern Regional Education Board, some degree programs are being offered electronically at in-state tuition rates. For more information about these programs, click here. The number of programs offered is revised annually as states tailor their participation in the Academic Common Market as part of their planning for higher education.
Peruse, if you will, this impressive array of majors and institutions available to Maryland residents! Go to: http://www.sreb.org/programs/acm/acmindex.aspx
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